★If you are experiencing Force Close errors, try resetting JBL in the launcher settings or clear the cache by pressing your menu hardware key on the home screen, select "manage apps", and open "JellyBean Launcher" under the "All" tab

★This Launcher may not run properly on all devices such as relatively antiquated or low-end phones! ★Swipe up on any home screen to hide the notification bar. ★Long-click on any desktop screen to add icons, widgets, and wallpapers

★Click "menu" hardware key to access System and Launcher settings It can be undone by going to settings > applications > manage > JellyBean Launcher > Clear Defaults ★JB Launcher is designed to replace your Stock Launcher. ★ Supports all static and live wallpapers ★ Compatible with themes for ADW, GO, Apex, Nova, and other launchers ★ Built-in JellyBean theme with over 20 app icons ★ Official 4.3 search bar, analog clock, screen indicators, and wallpaper pack

Jelly Bean Launcher is the only home replacement app designed to give you the look and feel of the Android 4.3 update. Get Android 4.3 on any device with Jelly Bean Launcher!