I plan to include manual and AF film cameras later. Nikon Binocular Serial Number Lookup Perrla For Mac Download Cisco Anyconnect Mac Download Free Bad North Free Download Mac Free Download Autocad 2014 For Mac.

Cameras from #0018754 left the factory with an improved firmware version, but older cameras can be upgraded by Nikon (see link below). Nikon Coolpix L18/L16 Original User's Manual Paperback - Janu4.0 out of 5 stars 1 rating. In addition to camera serial number, you can also check other information including the software used to edit the photo you uploaded. Date purchased new - this helps me to date other similar cameras. In July of 2015 and with an additional notice in February of 2016 we have announced that the shutter in some Nikon D750 digital SLR cameras manufactured between. divide the result by 5000 (there were roughly 5000 F4's produced each month) - the result is the number of months from first production date which was December 1988. I think the number on the focusing knob is a serial number rather than a model number. The Nikon F camera was produced between March 1959 and October 1973.